Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who came out to our concert at the Allen Center in Newton, MA on March 15. The electricity in the room was magic. Stay tuned for more upcoming concerts and info about our new album. We’ll be recording this summer for the first time in seven years (!)

Concert Postponed

A quick note to let you know that our concert scheduled for this Saturday, February 22, at the Allen Center has been postponed due to ice and property damage from recent storms at the venue. It has been rescheduled for Saturday, March 15, at 7pm. If you already bought tickets, the venue will be in touch with you about reimbursement if you cannot make it on March 15th.

Thanks for your understanding and we apologize for any inconvenience!

We're at the Parlor Room this month!

Hello out there!

For anyone in Massachusetts/Vermont region, we'll be at the Parlor Room in Northampton, MA on Saturday, September 21 for a 3pm matinee.

Tickets here!

Come celebrate the fall equinox with us (one day early, but pretty close). If any Boston-area or further afield folks want to make a day of it, send us a note and we'll write back with our favorite Northampton food and shopping spots that you can enjoy before or after the show.

We've got new and old songs to share and you can also pick up a copy of Ari's poetry chapbook.

With wishes for an easy transition back to school/routines/and all autumnal things,

Ari wrote a book!

Big news! Ari wrote a book! A chapbook, to be precise! Of poetry! It’s out now and you can order it here. Local Boston-area book launch will be on Saturday, June 8, 4-5pm at The Centerpiece Flower Shop.

“This chapbook offers an intimate look into the cosmos of family and motherhood. It moves symphonically across generations, charting how we are shaped by the losses, calamities, and tender daily realities of past and future generations. Many poems exist in the space between mother and child: the mother tries to narrativize the world for the child or enters transformative windows of play, where the world is remade because of the child’s perspective and presence. A spoon becomes a satellite, a truck becomes a god, a hand becomes a rotating planet, reality becomes a dream.” —Sara Daniele Rivera, author of The Blue Mimes

It's been a year but we're still here

It's been nearly a year since we last updated this space, which goes to show how much parenting + the pandemic has affected our professional lives. We are certainly immersed in these young kid years (Ari's second baby is due this summer), but we are excited about recording and releasing an EP at some point in 2023. Though things move slowly, plans are in motion. Stay tuned—we haven't forgotten about music, art, and all of you who support and enjoy what we do.

On that note, it's another one-concert summer. If you're in the western MA area, come find us in Sandisfield on June 11. Click here for more info .

In other creative news, Ari has spent much of the pandemic writing poetry, turning some of these poems into songs (to be featured on our next album) and also becoming published! Five of her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in various publications and she is finishing up her first chapbook. Read "In Charge of Birds" published in March in Pangyrus. This poem will appear in her chapbook and has already been turned into a song which we will record on our 2023 EP. Follow us on instagram to stay in the know on EP updates and forthcoming poems.

As ever, thank you for all you do to support local music and arts.

Wishing everyone a summer of fresh picked flowers and moments in the sunshine,


Concerts are back—we've got one in July

Hello fellow humans,

Ari here—I think we've made it through pandemic winter?! Lettuce and kale are sprouting in my new raised bed, the patio is full of pansies in pots, and every cherry blossom makes me happy. My little one and I put a bird feeder in our yard yesterday and the birds found it this morning. As I was making breakfast, I heard cries of delight: "Ooh Mommy! Bird eat!"

Mia and I are thrilled to be playing one live music event this summer (could be more, so stay tuned). We'll be at Monadnock Music on July 10 (rain date July 11) at 5pm. The concert is FREE, outdoors, socially distanced, and open to all. This will be the first live concert we have played since February 2020 and now that we are fully vaccinated, we can't wait to spend much of the summer outdoors and with PEOPLE. We hope you'll bring a picnic and come celebrate with us.

In other live concert news, piano-phenom Miki Sawada is currently touring Massachusetts as part of her Gather Hear project, playing works by Florence Price, Franz Liszt, and premiering my latest piece, "Before I Die.” She’s at various venues around the state through the end of May. Go here to find out more.

Ari (and Mia)


Bandcamp, in-person camp, and more

Hello dear humans,

Despite living on opposite sides of our state, we've managed to form a pod-of-sorts and spend some time with each other and our little humans, although we can't say this is conducive to playing music. But there is light at the end of that tunnel, and we are looking forward to teaching at at least one socially-distanced in person camp this summer with the potential for other music-sharing opportunities. Please stay tuned.

Also, we've finally gotten with the program and have made our music available on Bandcamp. This means that if you’re not a Spotify user, you can still hear our music and even download it for your very own. AND this Friday, March 5, Bandcamp will waive their revenue share so that all money spent goes directly to artists! This is a very wonderful thing. If you're thinking of downloading ours or any artist's music from Bandcamp, do it on Friday.

We've just begun a newsletter feature called Ari & Mia Recommend which features non-music activities/ideas/entertainment. So if you're into things like reading, sewing, podcasting, etc, sign up below for our mailing list and you’ll get access to our current favorite things.

In music, art, and all things beautiful,

Hello from our perch in this strange new world

Ari here, writing during a certain small human’s nap time. Not long before Covid-19 changed the face of the performing industry (let alone the world), I was asked by a dear friend, Casper ter Kuile, to write a song based on a chapter from his brand new book, The Power of Ritual. The song is based on the final chapter of the book which is all about transcendence. I ruminated on motherhood, transience, and the bigger picture, and managed to finish the song just before Mia and I went on tour with Lucy Wise in late February, 2020. The melody for the verses is based partially on the third movement from Charles Ives's Concord Sonata, called "The Alcotts." My song is called "Illuminated" and in a brief moment of downtime, Mia, Lucy, and I managed to record it. You can listen here. The recording quality isn't the best, but hopefully it'll get you excited for a day when we can get back into a studio.

We aren’t sure the next time we will perform in person, and don’t currently have anything planned for the virtual halls of the internet (although please stay tuned), but we are offering this song to say we are still here, loving and missing music right along with the rest of you.

New video!

We’re thrilled to share this new video of our song “Sweet Morning,” filmed by Sean Trischka and featured today in’s Guest Room Sessions.

Read all about it here.


Hooray!! “Sew the City” is out today and you can pick up your copy here or wherever you buy or listen to music.

We are really excited about this album—it was a true labor of love and we had the best time recording it in July at a beautiful old farmhouse in Parsonsfield, Maine. We spent 4 days recording, cooking, watching Blue Planet, and squealing with glee as Ari felt her baby kick in utero for the first time. The album pays tribute to both our grandmothers ("Til I Die" and "Sew the City"); there's a song about a made-up mythological woman ("Nostalgia"); and we even cover a Joni Mitchell song ("The Fiddle and the Drum"). It is an homage to strong, wise women and we hope you love it as much as we loved creating it.

Deep gratitude to everyone who made this possible: Ariel Bernstein, engineer and percussionist extraordinaire; Dan Cardinal for his mastering skills; Stevie Lewis for her incredible artistry; and Kat Waterman for her photography and graphic design.

Tomorrow, tune into WGBH’s Live at the Library with Brian O'Donovan at 4pm to hear us play and talk about songs from the album.

And on Monday we hit the road for a two week tour of the Canadian Maritimes, baby in tow.


Happy fall!

We're delighted to report that we've recorded a new album which will be born into the world early in 2019, just a few months after Ari's baby arrives.

We're really excited about both the album and the baby and, if that wasn't enough, Mia's nuptials coming in October. Needless to say, it's going to be a busy fall. Despite these major life events, we do have FOUR concerts before we disappear for the winter (#maternityleave):

October 4, 6:30pm  |  Groton, MA  |  Lawrence Academy  | free concert!

October 28, 3pm • Boston, MA • Local Behavior Festival @ City Winery

November 3, 7:30pm  |  Denmark, ME  |  Denmark Arts Center

November 16, 8pm  |  Cambridge, MA  |  Lizard Lounge  opening for Cold Chocolate

Stay tuned to learn when and where you can pick up a copy of the new album! In the meantime we wish you a smooth transition into the new season.

Love, A & M

This is us playing at Falcon Ridge's Emerging Artist Showcase in August. Thanks to Jake Jacobson for the photo.

This is us playing at Falcon Ridge's Emerging Artist Showcase in August. Thanks to Jake Jacobson for the photo.

3 things we are excited about

1) New videos coming soon! This photo was taken yesterday at our video shoot of two new songs, which will also be on our new album. We head into the studio in two weeks.

2) We'll be performing at Summer BCMfest's evening concert on Sunday, July 8 at 7pm. Stay for the amazing Matt & Shannon Heaton who play at 8pm. Get your tickets here! 

3) We are also thrilled to be a part of this year's Emerging Artist Showcase at Falcon Ridge Folk Festival on August 3. 





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©Ari&Mia Music 2025