Summer 2018!


Hello from A&M Boston HQ porch paradise! We had the most wonderful time at Folk College last weekend and are excited for summer. Highlights will include performing in the evening Summer BCMfest concert on July 8, teaching together at Berkshire Summer Strings, and....recording a new album! Stay tuned for more info including how to preorder the album and other ways to get involved. Besides that, we'll be teaching, performing, and traveling separately and getting ready for big life events coming this fall. 

See you out there!

Up next: Folk Alliance International

Finally, for the first time ever, we've gotten our act together and are going to FAI. We're honored to be recipients of a First Timers Scholarship and can't wait to hear all sorts of new folk sounds, meet people, and share our music. If you're also gonna be there, let us know! We've got a few private showcases, and they are:

Wednesday, February 14th, 2018
Camp Ned, Singer-Songwriter Heaven (656) 12:30 AM to 1:00 AM

Thursday, February 15th, 2018
Access Film Music RED (630) 3:20 PM to 3:40 PM 

Friday, February 16th, 2018
Access Film Music ORANGE (730) 2:00 PM to 2:30 PM 

Saturday, February 17th, 2018
Access Film Music GREEN (629) 2:30 PM to 2:55 PM 

Sew the City

Here is a brand new video of an original song, filmed and recorded live at our recent show in Ashland, Oregon. Despite it being new to our repertoire, Ari wrote it in 2011 after the death of both our maternal grandparents. They lived in the suburbs of Chicago near where Ari went to college. She had dinner with them at least once a week for four years and usually arrived back on campus with a paper bag full of bialys and bananas. This song is for our Nana. (We recommend you listen with headphones—it will be easier to hear the cello). 

Huge thanks to Michael at Seven Channel Sound for recording and videoing.

November update

Ari here, reporting from my dining room, cat in lap, wind howling outside. Mia and I had the most wonderful time on the west coast—huge thanks to everyone who came out to shows, hosted us, fed, and housed us. Here we are at the start of tour, freezing in Seattle.


We have two more shows in 2017 and they are both on Saturday, December 9: The first will take place in my living room at 4pm EST...but you can watch from anywhere! We are delighted to join the lineup for Concert Window's Home For the Holidays Festival.

The next concert is at 7pm in Brookline, MA, and is a fundraiser for the Massachusetts Action Climate Network. More info on our calendar page.

Spring tour dates coming soon!

an autumn from east to west

It's hard to let summer go. And despite this one being particularly peaceful and exciting—Mia got engaged!—we are turning back towards discipline, set schedules, cooler weather, and...concerts.

September through November are brimming with sister songs: we had a wonderful time yesterday at the Joe Davies Folk Festival and up next is Maine, the Catskills, and Rhode Island; then we'll traverse a large swath of the west coast as we tour from Seattle to the Bay Area. Details are here.

We hope to see you out there, somewhere.


"Old Man" in 360

This is Ari writing from beautiful Lake Dunmore in Vermont where I'm teaching at a chamber music camp for the next two weeks. Mia and I had the best time with Lula Wiles on our #MaineFiddleCampReunionTour last week and are excited to post this video we recorded at Northampton Community Television. To watch Lula Wiles' "Good Ol'American Values" in 360 video, click here

Tour announcement!

We are overjoyed to be hitting the road in June with Lula Wiles, one of our favorite bands ever. Their dreamy harmonies and earthy grooves are magical and we can't wait to see what sort of collaborations we come up with. Tour dates listed below and more info on our calendar.

We think it's gonna be a sweet springtime

Spring has truly sprung over here in New England. We hope you are enjoying the waning of the daffodils and the promise of more gorgeous blooms to come. 

We are gearing up for some shows in May, and could be coming to a town near you! Boston folks, we're especially excited to be playing at a People's Cafe fundraiser for Centro Presente on May 13th, and the very next day we'll be crooning while you eat brunch at Club Passim on the morning of Mother's Day. We hear they have an amazing new brunch menu and that mothers eat for free on this day only! We can't think of a more perfect gift for the mom(s) in your life than a Live Music Brunch followed, perhaps, by a stroll along the Charles. 

Tickets are on sale now for our May concerts and June tour with Lula Wiles. Catch us in Boston, New York, New Jersey, Maine, New Hampshire, and western Massachusetts.

Here we are, as usual, brainstorming ideas for new material

Midwest, here we come!

Our mother grew up there, Ari went to school there, many of our dear friends and family members live there, and yet we haven't played any concerts in the midwest since 2013. In other words, we couldn't be more excited to be heading to Chicago and parts of Wisconsin in March. And LOOK! We made this fun graphic:

Greetings + happy 2017 from A&M headquarters!

What better way to begin the new year than with a website overhaul? We hope you like our brand new corner of the internet—lots more updates are on their way. In the meantime, we are excited to play three shows this weekend in Maine and New Hampshire and three more shows in March in our home away from home: the midwest.

2016 was both wonderful and tough — Ari got married (wonderful) in the midst of our mind numbing presidential election (tough). We launched a new series of living room concerts around Massachusetts called Benefits With Friends which support organizations doing effective, good work in the world. Our first concert in December was a wonderful success and we have more in the works. Stay tuned!

Wishing peace to all this year,


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©Ari&Mia Music 2025