It's been a year but we're still here

It's been nearly a year since we last updated this space, which goes to show how much parenting + the pandemic has affected our professional lives. We are certainly immersed in these young kid years (Ari's second baby is due this summer), but we are excited about recording and releasing an EP at some point in 2023. Though things move slowly, plans are in motion. Stay tuned—we haven't forgotten about music, art, and all of you who support and enjoy what we do.

On that note, it's another one-concert summer. If you're in the western MA area, come find us in Sandisfield on June 11. Click here for more info .

In other creative news, Ari has spent much of the pandemic writing poetry, turning some of these poems into songs (to be featured on our next album) and also becoming published! Five of her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in various publications and she is finishing up her first chapbook. Read "In Charge of Birds" published in March in Pangyrus. This poem will appear in her chapbook and has already been turned into a song which we will record on our 2023 EP. Follow us on instagram to stay in the know on EP updates and forthcoming poems.

As ever, thank you for all you do to support local music and arts.

Wishing everyone a summer of fresh picked flowers and moments in the sunshine,



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©Ari&Mia Music 2025